3ds Max tutorial – Interior Architectural Design: Bathroom part 1

A 3ds Max tutorial covering the modeling, texturing and rendering of a bathroom complete from start to finish.
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Video tutorial posted 22/05/12
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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Problem: I must have clicked something accidently but I my move, scale and rotate tools dont work properly anymore. The x, y and z axises have turned into straight lines with nothing on them. I’ve tried resetting but that doesn’t work. I can still scale, move or rotate the object, but not with the axis in the viewports. Please help because I’m stuck 🙁
lol i did some tesselation and my 3dsmax was eating 6gb ram and crashed :<
really cool and wonderful.. 🙂
hmmm the hotkey i’m using is ctrl+alt+q which is a custom one i set up for convert to editable poly, if you right click on the top of the stack and click editable poly it should work, that’s very strange.
how did u convert it all
what is the shortcut
cuz everytime i try to use the other item it gives me this error
A modifier exists in the stack that depends on topology
so tell me plz how to fix it
Really nice 🙂
very good ! thanks for the tutorial
@svidlak if you mean the grid, press “g” or if you mean the viewcube, it’s in the viewport properties, left click on the “+” in the top left hand side and options should be under there.
thats AMAZING I would like to try this out. Awesome tutorial!
Thank you!!!!!!!
do you have any more tutorials on interior architecture?
Esp tutorials on mental ray??
thank you for ur tutorial :D:D:D
do u have any more interior architecture tutorials?? esp on mental ray??
nice idea
Thanks, hopefully you learned a lot from it.
nice video, really interesting
Thanks for the comment, I really have never tried to use the built in walls, but I tend to use boxes as a starting point because they are very easy to work with (especially with things like walls :p ) However the built in walls could be easier and I might not know, I guess I’ll have to try them out and see.
first tutorial i find and is not about designing a box and how to move it, or doing smth without the viewer being able to catch up. 😛 and you explain everything important so well, too. may i ask why you used box to draw walls and not used the walls the program gives? thanks again
mmmm i’d say less than half the time maybe even a third, because when I don’t explain everything I just sit down and work on it for hours straight.