After Effects Tutorial – Kamehameha

After Effects Tutorial - Kamehameha

In this After Effects Tutorial, Atlanta Video Production company,, explains how to create an energy blast. This tutorial requires the plugin Trapcode Shine. You can get Trapcode Shine at
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15 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – Kamehameha”

  1. MellowMUSHR00M says:

    i had to actually come back because of the camera shake tut part

  2. cz0985 says:

    240P, I can’t see any details.

  3. amitj525 says:

    ur my 1st ae teacher…….thx

  4. seklerek says:

    Dat quality

  5. TheCoolkan says:

    adobe after effects cs5 but its outdated so get adobe after effects cs6

  6. CoTg Smith says:

    Thanks man very nice tutorial worked perfectly.

  7. aeffectsfiles says:

    guys check our channel now if you want to download free easy to edit project files for adobe after effects!

  8. Ryan Jay says:

    ….5…. that’s outdated try Cs12

  9. JC40324 says:

    The result color is a lightening of the source color to reflect the underlying layer color by decreasing the contrast. If the source color is pure black, the result color is the underlying color.

    There are many other bledning modes as well to tinker with:

  10. JC40324 says:

    Use the selection tool (V) on the keyboard. You should be able to move individual points or the entire shape depending on where you click.

    Watch this video for more tips on masking:

  11. Watcer5544 says:

    But how do you select the points when you draw the circle?

  12. mrchad1225 says:

    Adobe After Effects Cs5

  13. caspertv2012 says:

    wow nice tutoral i will have to try this 🙂 please take a look at what I’ve made so far on my channel caspertv2012 and let me know what you think..

  14. hajkman1 says:

    adobe after effect

  15. charan k.v says:

    whats that software ??? can i know the name??

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