HTML Tutorial 1 – Designing A Website In Notepad – Basics and Beginnings

HTML Tutorial 1 - Designing A Website In Notepad - Basics and Beginnings

In this HTML website design tutorial I will teach you how to write and format your very first web page using HTML. Difficulty Level: Easy/Beginner If you have any problems or need help with any of this tutorial please leave a comment below or message me on YouTube.
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15 responses to “HTML Tutorial 1 – Designing A Website In Notepad – Basics and Beginnings”

  1. nachdehasdeh says:

    Runescape! Havn’t come across that for years!

  2. lightbringer44254 says:

    Thank you so much… You are my teacher and I respect you for that. Thanks alot… 🙂

  3. idontknowhow10 says:

    I did 3 vids on html check them out

  4. ukmehrnoosh says:


  5. RuneScapeBotts says:

    what u doing with all that hacking stuff on ur desktop boy!!

  6. SeekHeart says:

    I think some of those html tags you used are outdated

  7. supershotpro says:

    Just turn off annotations

  8. raydon1005 says:

    The links you put on the player, as in click and move, I find it very annoying, When ever I think I’m pausing it sends me else where *annoyed*

  9. TayyabZERO says:

    do you know how to hide the scroll bar on your webpage? I mean the one you can see at the right of almost every webpage but I’ve seen some pages on the Internet that either don’t have it or It begins from the middle.

  10. Kyle McCubbing says:

    Check out for cheap and professional websites

  11. tomysshadow says:

    PS you probably should close the body/html tags

  12. tomysshadow says:

    input and img tags don’t need to be closed (although I recommend you do it anyways for input)

  13. Macman1513 says:

    your voice is annoying !!!!

  14. ExpertsCorner says:

    if you’re making a website at least get FREE! web hosting, 1500 MB and great uptime.
    tinyurl (dot) com/7aw993x

  15. PastelEarth says:

    you are a prodigy 

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