Learn HTML and CSS Tutorial. Howto make website from scratch

Learn HTML and CSS Tutorial. Howto make website from scratch

You can put your site on the web using a free host blog.jimmyr.com Yeah, it’s long. #1 requested tutorial on my page is how to make your own site though. I guess it beats those “learn html in 24 hours” books in any case. See the freehosts below on how to put your page online. w3 html…

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12 responses to “Learn HTML and CSS Tutorial. Howto make website from scratch”

  1. aryesegal1988 says:


  2. Tyfi13 says:

    thank you very much

  3. AlexGarcia35channel says:

    never mind i put backround >.<

  4. AlexGarcia35channel says:

    on google chrome when u changed the background color on 9:33 it didnt work 🙁

  5. socialnetsolutions1 says:

    very helpful. well presented. thank you for this video. cp

  6. augustinba1989 says:

    This was so helpful thank you. Unfortunately I had trouble creating my own site but these guys did a pretty good job for me. I love my site now.

  7. augustinba1989 says:

    This was so helpful thank you.

  8. stampedec says:

    Thanks a million

  9. tnatsching says:

    simple and easy, thanks man

  10. DamirAndIrina says:

    awesome thank you man. Clean fast perfect!

  11. beda204 says:

    finnally a simple video instead of paying 500$ for pathetic classes .. i have a problem though i cant see the pic i added 🙁

  12. dehvyd says:

    Thanks for the informative video!!! I’m just getting started learning about web design and I’m so glad you took the extra time to show so much more than just how to make a header and text line like the other videos I’ve watched. Now at least I kinda know what some of the stuff is when I look at a page’s code.

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