Lightroom 2 Tutorial – Soften Skin

Lightroom Video Tutorial on using the Soften Skin Brush, by Yanik’s Photo School.
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17 responses to “Lightroom 2 Tutorial – Soften Skin”

  1. grameenk says:

    Nice video but I removed all my acne permanently within only 30 days. I applied this excellent cure called: Acne 404 Nuke i cant remember the site just simply google the name Acne 404 Nuke and you will find it.

  2. zanjum13 says:

    amazing wee tip!!! thank you so much!!

  3. laurentiudragone says:

    360p SUCKS !!!

  4. newfienow says:


  5. picsmics4 says:


  6. rich999uk says:

    oh wow !!! thank you so much for that !!!

  7. WasabiDoobie says:

    I never knew that was there! THANK YOU!

  8. ryejail says:

    thanks a lot..

  9. paiverde says:

    can anyone tell me why I cant open with LR a RAW file taken with my nikon D3100 ? is there a pluggin or addon to open RAW files ? Ty verry much please reply

  10. justswoop says:

    dont know why the first 2 minutes of this video exist but thanks for the last 2!

  11. mychemicalkid5566 says:

    Get lightroom for mac free – youtube search

  12. InfiniteRagnarok says:

    Thank you so much for showing us this!

  13. juniorrich25 says:

    you talk to much man, next time just go straight to the point … thanks

  14. sexyfathawaii says:

    I have a question? I was wondering if I am looking to add water marks smooth skin, make teeth and eyes brighter what else can I use. I am looking for one software that can do it all. Is there any suggestions?

  15. MashekZamashek says:

    great, thank you!!

  16. NIKONGUY1960 says:

    l’ve been using this for how long now and had no idea this was there.
    thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  17. PhotoshopEditer says:

    I have a channel on Photoshop and Lightroom come check it out!

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