Lightroom Processing – Lightroom Tutorial

Lightroom Processing – Lightroom Tutorial

Lightroom Processing - Lightroom Tutorial

This is a video of how I process and color correct a typical image in Lightroom. (Done with narration and slower to explain steps.) Like us on Facebook: See more tips, tricks and product reviews online at
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9 responses to “Lightroom Processing – Lightroom Tutorial”

  1. mrkialen says:

    Good job… Great video…

  2. Mark1Mach2 says:

    Excellent, this video taught got me started on lightroom. You seem to have excellent editing skills and that photo looked great. Will recommend your site to others.

  3. ModifiedPhoto says:

    You can use a program called “Perfect Layers” I believe it’s from onOne software. Personally, I export files from Lightroom for complicated editing. Lightroom really bogs down when you start doing lots of complicated brush strokes and other edits with an image.

  4. 822c5 says:

    how do you layer photos in lightroom?

  5. ModifiedPhoto says:

    It’s funny you notice that. I’ve actually found that happens in Photoshop as well. If you use the “Save as Web” feature and save a JPEG, it looks different than if you just “Save As” and save a JPEG in Photoshop also.
    To avoid these JPEG shenanigans, I try to save files as TIFF or PSD until I am entirely done editing. Even then I still save the 16bit version in ProPhotoRGB or AdobeRGB with and without layers “just in case” I need to make a change later.

  6. britestube says:

    have you experienced any color modification after converting your nef files to jpeg using lightroom 3.4? it always happens to me, with the jpegs looking a little bit greenish.

  7. rafvaldemoro says:

    Great tutorial.

  8. iloveairfrance says:

    Great vid! May I ask you a question : I have Lightroom and I’m pretty lost… I’m used to Gimp and CS5, and I can’t even get this configuration (Photo in the middle, setting on the right side, pictures in the bottom. I love to work on a group of images this way in iPhoto, but I want to do the same with LR. Can you explain me how to deal with this problem? Thanks in advance!

  9. crazybassjammer says:

    Great Job! Thanks for the info.

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