Lightroom Split Toning Tutorial

Lightroom Split Toning Tutorial

I’ve been using split toning for a while now and not sure how I survived without it. I was making a tutorial for a friend and thought I might as well post it for everyone. Apologies for my annoying voice over 😉 For more tutorials and photography please see
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20 responses to “Lightroom Split Toning Tutorial”

  1. esgicana says:

    great thanks!

  2. wisie says:


  3. wisie says:

    Sure is.

  4. itsjames007able says:

    what lightroom are you using?i have a lightroom 3 but i cant find the split toning

  5. itsjames007able says:

    what lightroom are you using?i have a lightroom 3 but i cant find the split toning botton..

  6. itsjames007able says:

    what lightroom are you using?i have a lightroom 3 but i cant find the split toning botton..

  7. itsjames007able says:

    is this applicable to lightroom 3?

  8. sajor10nemrac says:

    cool tutorial

  9. alabski says:

    you like your pictures cold …

  10. moodyrcf says:

    nice. great tutorial didn’t know what that function was for until now.

  11. averyloudsilence says:

    great video man, it helped alot thankyou so much

  12. wisie says:

    This made me laugh. Glad you thought so… 😉

  13. f2DCS says:

    Cool Voice over Dude..;) !

  14. wisie says:

    Hopefully more soon! 🙂

  15. wildgarlicinscotland says:

    Thanks – really very useful.

  16. pewp3wpew says:

    Great tutorial, please make more

  17. jimymacg says:

    Thanks for that really helpful and concise tutorial!

  18. sevsuk2011 says:

    Great stuff. Really helpful.

  19. mclaren777 says:

    This is one of the best tutorials I’ve ever seen for Lightroom. Thanks, and please keep making some more. 😉

  20. Mryaggi1 says:

    Thank Bro. Great Vid

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