Lightroom Tutorial White Balance

Lightroom Tutorial White Balance White Balance is one of those settings that many people have questions about. In this video Greg goes into how to select the white balance and tweak it to your liking. This video is for correcting the RAW files white balance opposed to JPEG which you can tweak but not as well. There are a few different tools that Lightoom supplies you with correct for white balance in your RAW files. You have the eye dropper tool which corrects the white balance depending on where you place it in your photo. You have the presets like “as shot” “flash” so on so forth. And you have the tone sliders which allow you to make your own tweaks to the balance. White Balance can take an image that is blue and cold and bring it back to life with a few little tweaks. Hopefully this video gives you a better understanding for how white balance effects your images. Don’t forget to sign up for your FREE Ebook at

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16 responses to “Lightroom Tutorial White Balance”

  1. z0rr0rr0r says:

    What if there is no arean in the picture which is pure white/grey or black?

  2. rynox77 says:

    Using lightroom, you can copy and paste white balance settings, so break out the grey cards.

  3. nwLohmann says:

    so you edit the white balance at the END of the editing process?

  4. AntiIgnorantDimwit says:

    That should be Adobe Premiere.

  5. carolkunai says:

    sony vegas 10 or adobe after effects cs5 , many people use the 2 , its really good softwares

  6. t00117598 says:

    these tutorials are great, very easy to follow and understand for a beginner like myself…

  7. IronicusPaladin says:

    Wow, this lesson is fantastic. Especially the click name +/- editing trick, will make things much easier. Thanks so much.

  8. pactum14 says:

    what software would you recomend for video editing?

  9. Iamtubuler says:

    Great Videos!! Thank You

  10. Iamtubuler says:

    Great Videos!! Thank You

  11. ashkibala1 says:

    use Adobe Lightroom

  12. gotmegud says:

    sir, i really appreciate the video. but what if you’re covering an event (editing at least 100 photos), like a party. will light room always apply i’s own default WB? it just irritating that one tries to set the camera’s WB only to see LR changed it.

  13. labu1993 says:

    Jared!…..where i can get photo editing just like you?

  14. DamageIncM says:

    Here’s a question though:

    What if you want to make the image look like the actual colors in real life looked like?
    Because the (auto) White Balance a computer decides is always to make white look white right?
    But what if white would look more blue-ish or yellowish, not through the camera, but with your own eyes?
    How do you get realistic colors and lighting, or is that only possible when you adjust things at the moment of shooting?

  15. RicardoATBarbosa says:

    Do you have your monitor color calibrated? Spyder or something else? Thanks for sharing your great videos with us, my gf likes it too! Hugs from Brazil

  16. weirdo183 says:

    Thanks for the video, fro!

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