Vector Swirls, Swooshes, and Florals: Illustrator Tutorial

Vector Swirls, Swooshes, and Florals: Illustrator Tutorial

Check this video out at Hi-Res here: Learn how to create vector swirls and swooshes which can be easily re-used by using these fairly well known techniques! Have fun with it and please check out for more great videos!
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17 responses to “Vector Swirls, Swooshes, and Florals: Illustrator Tutorial”

  1. janee0513 says:

    But it also saves a lot of people alot of money. I learned most of my skills (all aside from what I learned in HS) from online tutorials and such, and now I’m a paid graphic designer with no formal training…so I think it’s pretty awesome if I do say so myself!

    Anyway, cool tutorial, I actually learned even more! Always learning new things 🙂

  2. lukkyhandz says:

    you do know there are ppl that get paid to teach this type of stuff right? i dont understand why ppl have to show others how to do something on the internet.. you are taking money away from a lot of ppl. that is not cool

  3. tangrway says:

    GREAT ! Thank you very much!

  4. clarityRR says:

    !!! great jobs..thank you !!!

  5. Explore2Adore says:

    You are a star!!! This is the first tutorial video I have ever watched on Illustrator and as a novice I feel I have learnt a lot of new things, not just how to do spirals, but functions too. Thanks mate!

  6. jougetsu says:

    great video

  7. Ramin Badiee says:

    Thank you

  8. Magicjeffff says:

    @13:36, thats how they made the nbc logo

  9. RipeConceptsInc says:

    This tutorial is a very big help for all newbies that want to learn basic swirls with illustrator.

  10. xmachineoo7 says:

    61 people don’t know what is Great Tutorial 😉 

  11. kimkapuan says:

    I love you so much, u r the best teacher I never had <33

  12. BeckyyAdele says:

    Fairly new to Illustrator – sat through a bunch of boring videos but this one was great – showed hotkeys, little additional tips, really really helpful! Will DEFINITELY be watching more vids! (Even just looking at the ones at the side have me like “Wow, how can I do that!?”)

  13. franerry says:

    best 20mins i’ve been able to justify on the computer!!

  14. chaacm says:

    Good job, thank you, learned a lot!

  15. Ariko2821 says:

    Thank you so much! the tutorial was so clear and understandable.. We all appreciate you sharing the knowledge and your time! Thank you!

  16. verydenise says:

    This is SO helpful!

  17. kenosis1 says:

    Man, this was terrific! I had been wondering how to turn lines into art like this for a very long time. Cheers!

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