WordPress Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to set up a WordPress blog, change its template, add categories, password-protect a post, and add a blogroll.

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8 responses to “WordPress Tutorial”

  1. WordPressfan says:

    It took me a moment to realize that WordPress had the dot com and the dot org and that the dot org required a bit more than the dot com. Great explanation and help! WPf

  2. megadeath1555 says:

    can i put ads on these blogs? 

  3. charmanderstail says:

    this has good sound compared to a lot of videos…

  4. HowToUseWordPress says:

    Great content but the volume is very low even though I have it cranked up. Seems we have the same interests my friend. Keep it up.

  5. wordpressed says:

    i really suck at wordpress and appreciate you guys.

  6. TheTrueLostMC says:

    Is it possible to make there be 2 admins if you save it and use ur own domain

  7. effectivews says:

    Good tutorial, thanks for sharing

  8. MrChrisfranko says:

    i kinda prefer blogger, but this tutorial is good man!

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