Add Dramatic Color to Photographs: Photoshop Tutorial!

This is a tutorial that should really help some of you photographers out there. We will start with a base RAW file from an 8 megapixel low-end Canon digital camera and we will open it with Photoshop and use the Camera Raw editor to make these changes. Learn all about using the Camera RAW editor and what the different sliders do and why/how you can use them to create really bold effects to your photographs. Follow me on Twitter! Be sure to check out Check out the blog @ http
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Video tutorial posted 09/06/12
Tags: Color, Dramatic, Photographs, Photoshop, Tutorial

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Yeah exactly 🙂
Ah yea you’re right I was just lookin into that. They used to but I can imagine why they didn’t back then, dslrs were pretty shitty back when 😛
yes but camera raw is a little less powerful than lightroom.
is this the same as lightroom?
is not the same
Doesn’t national geo only use film? for this very reason? lol
boring. its not interesting to see that kind of images..
this can be done in lightroom.. easier..
Sounds like Marty Mcfly…
if you had clicked the photo in sepia mode, you might have got something similar 😛
Thanks! Greate tutorial, very helpful
good advice, though I think I’d split up a couple of those tips into different layers so that I can see what changes I’ve made and correct them individually if need be
awesome job.