After Effects Tutorial – 39 – Motion Tracking

After Effects Tutorial - 39 - Motion Tracking

How to use motion tracking in Adobe After effects.
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24 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – 39 – Motion Tracking”

  1. MrFranek1111 says:

    how do you open motion tracked in cs4?

  2. glamourlilicious0797 says:

    I just graduated from Bucky’s After Effects tuts for noobs ^^

  3. 2poor2live says:

    And I also have a solid object, that is my name in hot pink for viewing purposes LOL

  4. TypicalShahab says:

    I wonder about that. I checked his website, he knows lots of stuff mate. From basic to advance. Best thing i reckon about this guy is, he don’t show off with his knowledge, rather shares it nicely.

  5. 2Gamerx says:

    Is there something what bucky Doesn’n know? o_O?

  6. bloodline95 says:

    ive been watching all your aae tuts ftom the start for two days and im feeling like pro now xD thx dude

  7. MrJoeyMara says:

    “You’ll be like, ahh nice! Cause it is nice.”

  8. Anti Muslim says:

    How do i replace paining on wall with my own photo? and how to i replace with my photo and make it fit the perception of the original painting on a wall?

  9. GustaElCokas says:

    thanks for this tutorial! 🙂

  10. the69johny says:

    nice vid dude 😉

  11. liebemacher66 says:

    thanks dude. i’m trying to do that demon face and have a better understanding of motion tracking now.

  12. sinatraenrico says:

    I watched every single one of your tutorials. I love you. Thank you so much!

  13. mmakid1980 says:

    ty ty ty 

  14. NOCTILUCASON says:

    Thanks man! Been workin like 3 hours with this, u made it sound soo easy.. Pro

  15. Thegamemakur says:

    Thank you I needed these for a trailer I’m making!

  16. 212pharoh says:


  17. sammbci says:

    what next tutorial? -.-

  18. noshi49 says:

    Dude,that easy and simple,I had trouble with getting some stuff to go along with all the movement in my comedy film,but now,I am going to redo all the vfx to it bc of your tut,i thank you my friend.

  19. ItsThatGuyGio says:

    had to sign in to personally thank you for this tutorial.
    im new to after effects (using cs4) and you couldnt have made this any more simple.
    thanks again.

  20. StrykerKun says:

    I watched every single one of your tutorials. I love you. Thank you so much!

  21. SiouXsySiouXvideo says:

    Awesome tutorial series. Think I’m ready to give AA a try! Thanks for the tips!!

  22. crazy123frog1 says:


  23. graysight says:

    where is tutorial 40 :P

  24. graysight says:

    maybe the area you wan to track does not have the proper constrast, or is too small and changes position very fast, try to change to other place

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