After Effects Tutorial – 4 – Basic Animation

After Effects Tutorial - 4 - Basic Animation

Part 5 – Make sure to watch in High Def! visit my website at
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10 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – 4 – Basic Animation”

  1. Darkernorakeln says:

    When i import my files into after effects they are only one frame, and i cant extend them, can you tell me why?(i use the latest version)

  2. TheBigJ1234567 says:

    thanks so much

  3. agaheb eretyg says:

    Best animation tutorial ever! THANKKKK YOU!!!

  4. wicaksanovic says:

    Thanks bro

  5. BinaryForces says:

    PROTIP KIDS: do not EVER import bitmaps then re-size them _ you will degrade the object_ always import the object at its intended res

  6. CrypticGamers1 says:


  7. puiselo says:

    >uses mac

  8. martinlolz says:

    “go ahead and press ‘Home'”

    *looks down at mac keyboard*

    *face palm*

  9. francesann06 says:

    ….and Press “P”…. this is a shortcut. aaaaawwww.

  10. hmspyke2k says:

    Awesome tutorials man, really learning alot! Diamond! 😀

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