After Effects Tutorial Shatter Effect

A quick tutorial on the SHATTER Effect I used in making the Promo Intro featured in my Vegas Tutorials on adding sound and sound FX to movie clips. This was made in After Effects CS4 and demonstrates the use of a built in effect called SHATTER and indicates what you can do with some of the settings to get the desired effect you are looking for.
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Video tutorial posted 02/06/12
Category: After Effects Tutorials

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Interesting intro!!
😀 X))
thank you for teaching us professor Snape
your not so bad after all
Techsmith Camtasia 7.1, use that only for recording it is the best.
I love the cows! LOL
could you please make a tutorial on how to make a person exsplode with realistic blood as i need that kind of an effect for this film I’m making… would it be possible to make?
How do I get the shatter effect to occur later in the video? As in after a few seconds, not right at the start? Great tutorial 🙂
thank you very much
hey dude, this was 1 of my first tutorials 2 years ago when i first started with after effects 🙂 tnx dude
Check out my channel and see how i progressed over the 2 years :)
Excellent Woawh! xD:)))
Thank you for the reply and help. I have a logo that comes together piece by piece and after my logo is all put together, at the end it shatters. When I did the Pre Compose it worked great! Thanks, but I guess I should have mentioned what I’m trying to accomplish. Is there a way to have this work I tried what you suggested, but it does it at the beginning instead of the end. Thank you for your time. I appreciate it.
select all layers and Pre compose
I have 8 layers that I want to put a shatter effect on all layers. How would I accomplish that?
Deine Videos sind schlecht Muhahaha 🙂
got the effect program first tutorial was from you. i already made a crazy effect thank you 🙂
I wonder if you could help me. I’m new to Adobe After Effects since I’m studying it at University. I’m having a problem with importing footage. Both footage captured on Final Cut Pro on Macs and footage from my simple consumer camcorder cannot be imported (MPEGs). Should I be converting them to for the best quality and be able to open on both the Mac’s After Effects and the After Effects on my laptop (Windows 7). What would be the best free video convertor? Thanks if someone replies.
One of the best tutorials around for new uses, subscribed and thumbs up 😛