Dreamweaver Tutorial – 3 – Basic Text Formatting

Dreamweaver Tutorial - 3 - Basic Text Formatting

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21 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial – 3 – Basic Text Formatting”

  1. wixstudio says:

    video aulas do dreamweaver em PT aqui no meu canal gente!
    9 horas de aula, do basico ao avançado!

  2. Aaddeerrssoonn says:

    what? i am is from braazil, rsrsrs

  3. Rubenzian2 says:

    So simple and yet so informative. Useful four years on!

  4. ok2pro says:

    Mac Dreamweaver ‘space’ (&nsbp;) is “option + space”

  5. FiEducationChannel says:

    love it

  6. vilivan1 says:

    That’s it ;).

  7. vilivan1 says:

    Everything is the same, just re placed the location is somewhere else. Try to search in the menu bars and enable that ;).

  8. Jo0zek20 says:

    Best ever !

  9. KyubbiWarrior says:

    What version of dreamweaver do you use? mine is cs5.5 and i have none of the features you mention (other than the page properties). Im sure they’re there, its just hidden. Can you help me?

  10. sebabhz says:

    Thanks for taking your time making this tutorial.

  11. penguinYT1 says:

    Excellent as always.

  12. JO3L7113 says:

    1:15 My Mac doesnt have the text on the properties 🙁

    It says Format & ID?

    Help 🙁

  13. kopy001 says:

    for the copyright symbol on cs5 (as far as I know), just press alt + G

  14. SuperAvailable123 says:

    this guy is hero

  15. zolow73 says:

    I love u life saver!!

  16. 8ghazale8 says:

    How can I put my text a little bit upper or downer? and how to have more spaces between words? Doesn’t Dreamweaver have anything like text box or paragraph in other adobe software?

  17. kerryannwong says:

    yea him baddd!!!! adobe teacher bad !!!!!! that mean good okay yes that paragraph spacing thing was a problem for me too


    ur gr8 man

  19. 6minutetutorials says:

    yes you can type that ALT+0169 ©

  20. David01132 says:

    i dont see anything named inline sytle anywhere

  21. darkwizzard70 says:

    (For CS4/CS5)

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