How To Create Multi-Colored Glowing Lines Photoshop Tutorial w/ updated links

A lot of people out there have similar tutorials to this one however, lets say you don’t want just the average boring color scheme. In this tutorial I show you how to create the glowing lines effect but also show you how to variate the colors at the same time. Please remember to rate! Link to image: other link to images of the same girl in color visit
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Video tutorial posted 20/06/12
Category: Photoshop Tutorials

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Can u make a video on how to get photoshop on computer if u have already can u link it for me or something please thanks
im surpised no one is commentating on how hot the girl in the picture is…
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Thanks for the tutorial ill be using this on some of my video images :)
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doesnt matter, as long as u have the pen tool
just use the square bracket keys to scale up and down ur brush
if ur pic if being earsed then uve put the pen line on the same layer as ur pic, u need seprate layers for each and when u have ur eraser selected make sure “sample all layers” isn’t selected. 🙂
Problem…if i want to erase the line, the picture get erase to…how to fix it please REPLY….
Okay thanks gotta try it
found it you got to select the layer of the pen and then press delete
me to? 🙁