HTML Tutorial 3 – Adding Images & Backgrounds To Your HTML Website

HTML Tutorial 3 - Adding Images & Backgrounds To Your HTML Website

In this HTML website design tutorial I will teach you how to add images to your website/html document and how to add an image to the background. Difficulty Level: Easy/Beginner If you have any problems or need help with any of this tutorial please leave a comment below or message me on YouTube.
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18 responses to “HTML Tutorial 3 – Adding Images & Backgrounds To Your HTML Website”

  1. ZackFreeride says:

    Don’t name it as image.jpg, just image or whatever you want to call it. Then in background=”” you put image.jpg if it is jpg.

  2. Aboodkatoof1 says:

    WTF y is he always wearing that scarf

  3. GeniusBsSa says:

    1:36 OMG “Hack Forums”

  4. 50Shashwat says:

    Like this tutorial.

  5. Keribeary123 says:

    Also, do you have to make a new folder for it?

  6. Keribeary123 says:

    My image isnt showing… it has an x and I put it in the same file as the pix. Does it have to be in a seprate file?

  7. kurapika0012 says:

    thanks for dis video bro. but my image is still not showing even d image is on d same folder as d webpage

  8. DRNS10116 says:

    help me
    ive done it 50 times and over
    the jpeg img seems to have an error everytime

  9. DRNS10116 says:

    its not working!

  10. Moo Cow says:

    do .jpeg

  11. Catbuddyman2 says:

    @below. So.?

  12. wenoyol123 says:

    What does src mean and can u type bg instead if background?
    Awesome tutorial btw very handy

  13. jonttukingi says:


  14. jonttukingi says:

    Okey For me the picture doesn´t show

  15. crazyhead217 says:

    how do i just use the image one time instead of it repeating itself?? like streach out the whole thing??

  16. lee101ct says:

    hey bud i had this problem to solve this open up paint drag you jpg picture in to paint and make shore you dont have a white border round your photo and click save as then at the bottom bellow the name of the photo change it from jpg to .png if you would like a video tutorial just let me know bud hope this helps you

  17. wannannas2 says:

    right click : “edit” then in paint do “save as” and save it as “png” : problem solved 😉

  18. supershotpro says:

    My website is starting to look awesome.

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