Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #8 – Formatting Pt.3

Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #8 - Formatting Pt.3

Visit MotionTraining at Learn how to combine conditional formatting with Excel functions.
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14 responses to “Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #8 – Formatting Pt.3”

  1. aysteria4ever says:

    I like the fact that all these are done in parts 😉 so I can get little breaks in between 😛

  2. nishils2000 says:

    you are doing such a great job for corporate humanity….

  3. 70MrKitty says:

    wow, this is probably one of the oldest videos i have watched… anyways. awesome tutorials bro!

  4. 00Neven says:


  5. JCChochera says:

    I see he already has 1s for MS Access, Thanks for that…but what about for MS Word & PWPT?

  6. akakkaya1 says:

    i luv your tutorial! you give me confidence. i have forgotten all the formulas. Great! Thank you excel sifu.

  7. airotiv7 says:

    You are simply fantastic! You inspired me to learn more and more each day…I am enjoying every excel tutorial, it seemed a nightmare to me before! Well Done! S

  8. geovannir8 says:

    Great tutorial! thanks:) but if i wanted to edit the height r width of an individual cell how would i do that?

  9. akia25 says:

    This instructor is top A1A top dog!!!

  10. dhivyababu7 says:

    its very useful n thank u sooo much:)

  11. 224gam says:

    Top tutorials! I believe that the tutorial has been incendental to lending me a job. Thank you so much for posting them on-line!

  12. bellav1389 says:

    In Excel 2007, I don’t have a dialogue box (like yours) for conditional formatting. Now that I want to delete the formatting we did in last tutorial, the only option is to clear format for chosen cells. It worked for some of them but not all !!!

  13. papabergen63 says:

    Hi there!!

    Just working my way through your videos and wanted to say thank you.

    Learning alot about Excel.


  14. AngelickP says:

    I’ve just noticed that when zooming in or out, the cell value gets like this “#####”.. Could someone explain why?

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