Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Making “Ink Brush” Lines Part 1

How to use Adobe Illustrator’s Pen tool to make smooth curving lines that tlook like the strokes of an ink brush
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Video tutorial posted 06/07/12
Category: Illustrator Tutorials

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Thanks to this vid, I understand the pen tool better! 😀
Dude, thanks a lot for the video, but that music (or rather that type of music, where it stops and starts probably isn’t the best choice for a video that includes talking) should be reconsidered. It’s distracting, and unlike watching a speedpainting video, which is for entertainment, not learning, it’s really unnecessary. But thanks again for the video!
dont put music over the audio of you talking, its really distracting & you have it neally as loud as your voice. Imagine sitting in a class room trying to learn something & the teacher has a band standing next to them playing as they’re talking, sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it?
Thank you for the tutorial, I didn’t know what that tool was for, I’m not a proffetional, I just love to play with Photoshop, Now I learned something new! 😀
Can someone help me with the Ellipse Tool?
Is there a way to make a circle with black lines but no inside?
Please help me, im trying to erase something intersecting it but it just makes nasty bland lines that stay connected.
that’s great, but you used the pen tool, not pencil.
thank you very much for this tutorial, was a HUGE help!
Best 5 minute instruction ever
Super great Technique, I was totally wondering how you did your lines, 🙂