Apple iPad Tutorial Part 1

Apple iPad Tutorial Part 1

Getting Started: Powering and Locking, home screen layout, volume controls, home button & multitasking, keyboard, wi-fi, web browser, saving contacts, calendar. Apple iPad Tutorial Apple iPad 1 Tutorial Apple iPad 2 Tutorial Apple iPad 3 Tutorial This video is the sole property of MobileConceptz Group LLC and can not be used or reproduced without express written consent. Copyright 2011 MobileConceptz Group LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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9 responses to “Apple iPad Tutorial Part 1”

  1. PeriquinTV says:

    I would like a tutorial like this but for Pages, Numbers, & Keynote. 🙂

  2. marwa alzadjali says:

    its kind of to much but thanks ^^ doesnt hurt to know more about it

  3. Mojavepilot says:

    The background music is a distraction. I want an app to silence background music! However, I like the slow, steady pace of the presentation & the guy’s voice is OK. He does a better job than Apple.

  4. norbo norebo says:

    Holy shit. You have to be a professor to operate this thing. Its probably simpler to fly the space shuttle.The instructions are so tiny only a bug can read them or you need a magnifying glass.

  5. kebrown50 says:

    Great video!! Thanks, very helpful:) Now all I need is to figure out how to get the calandar off military time;p
    p.s. I don’t mind the music…

  6. Edwin Offin says:

    Thanks alot for this info it really helped alot.

  7. deadjass says:

    Thx a lot! It was very helpful!

  8. Leo24102001 says:

    do ipad 1 have same screen resolution like ipad 2?

  9. shaftlx says:

    very nice going to subscribe

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