Beginning HTML (XHTML) Tutorial

Beginning HTML (XHTML) Tutorial

This is a beginning tutorial for XHTML. This tutorial includes parts 1-4 of the shorter series and runs approximately 35 minutes.

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10 responses to “Beginning HTML (XHTML) Tutorial”

  1. Ilovelazers says:


  2. LegendJIJ says:

    now that was simple and easy to understand, i hope to see more of your tutorials in the future

  3. vob45 says:

    the parrot in the background is annoying

  4. gvonc33 says:

    Some tips: Ctrl+S – save  Ctrl+C – copy Ctrl+V -paste

  5. nutsthebignutteddog says:

    what was that stuff on the top?

  6. theBIGprogrammers says:

    If you want to learn HTML, visit my channel, SUB AND ENJOY!

  7. ChrisGuitarSmith says:

    Yes but it’s hard to get recognition at your age unfortunately.

  8. yayathidayatable says:

    thanks for sharing this video…..

  9. chafikusa says:

    GREAT stuff, thanks .

  10. DonChounardable says:

    This is a great tutorial!!! the bird annoys me though lol

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