CSS Tutorial Pt 4 – Creating Boxes

CSS Tutorial Pt 4 - Creating Boxes

How to create tables/boxes using CSS. Download template www.2createawebsite.com
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10 responses to “CSS Tutorial Pt 4 – Creating Boxes”

  1. hockeyhar says:

    Make another one on how to add different pages to your html and css website!

  2. hockeyhar says:

    Thanks, you just made me rich! 😛

  3. tim66214 says:

    Hi Lisa, First off, Great video. Second, I am trying to make a table in CSS but i have an edible region on my site, can i create my table inside the edible region area or do i need to remove it in order for it to work? Thanks

  4. hedgecliffedge says:

    These 4 tutorials have been great! I didn’t know a thing about CSS and now I know quite a lot, thank you ever so much! Very helpful!

  5. TheEmoSushi says:

    did u memorize all the color code?o.0

  6. chessada83 says:

    Hi, great tutorial helpful

  7. namwarn98 says:

    Thanks alot nice Tutorial

  8. alexfontecha says:

    Hello, i don’t good speak english, but you tutorial is very clear and explaining too.
    Thanks so much

  9. osakaben10 says:

    can you make links in the Leftnav and rightnav the same way as in the header,or the Horizlinks?..i think so. but, every once in a while i get confused with this. I’m planning a big 3 day weekend so i can finally fix my page using your lessons. thanks in advance,

  10. osakaben10 says:

    can you make likes in the Leftnav and rightnav the same way as in the header,or the Horizlinks?..i think so. but, every once in a while i get confused with this. I’m planning a big 3 day weekend so i can finally fix my page using your lessons. thanks in advance,

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