Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial – 2 – Creating a New HTML File

Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial - 2 - Creating a New HTML File

Tutorials on Dreamweaver CS4
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5 responses to “Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial – 2 – Creating a New HTML File”

  1. jrmovies1234321 says:

    I agree that 10 minute long vids are good but I like how these guys just focus on 1 thing every vid. I find it more useful for learning but hey, different people prefer different ways of learning

  2. GSNTube5 says:

    Thanks you..it makes sense..lol

  3. AnimationShorts1 says:

    Focus on the small things and learn more instead of jamming it all in at once.

  4. GSNTube5 says:

    can’t you just make a 10 minutes long video instead of small clips??

  5. cobolt13 says:

    championvideo that is

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