Excel VBA Beginner Tutorial – Introduction to the Visual Basic Editor

This tutorial provides an introduction to the visual basic editor in excel.
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Video tutorial posted 13/07/12
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Pls help me
if TMU (column A on sheet) equals to MCD1, subdivisions (column C) should be charged as percentage of Activity amount (column H) (see below percentage) .
In MCD1, sub divsions as follows
50% = AFH1, ASU1, EMM1, HLX1, HRC1, PMI1
40% = GTA1,CEU1
if TMU not equals to MCD1 the value for journal amount (column I) should be 15% of Activity amount (column H)
There are a few sources for finding that kind of information out. Firstly Excels built in help can be very useful. If you go to the VBA editor and then press F2 it should open a browser window and take you to the help page
Second, the object browser in the editor can be very useful. This is accessed by pressing F2 in the editor and list all the available commands with brief descriptions.
Finally, investing in a good book is an easy way of finding out the useful functions quickly.
I understand this stuff well. What I don’t understand is where do you learn all the coding commands? Like how would a normal person know to use “MsgBox” ?
Pls help me
if TMU (column A on sheet) equals to MCD1, subdivisions (column C) should be charged as percentage of Activity amount (column H) (see below percentage) .
In MCD1, sub divsions as follows
50% = AFH1, ASU1, EMM1, HLX1, HRC1, PMI1
40% = GTA1,CEU1
if TMU not equals to MCD1 the value for journal amount (column I) should be 15% of Activity amount (column H)
Please keep cranking these things out. They’re so very helpful!
There are a few sources for finding that kind of information out. Firstly Excels built in help can be very useful. If you go to the VBA editor and then press F2 it should open a browser window and take you to the help page
Second, the object browser in the editor can be very useful. This is accessed by pressing F2 in the editor and list all the available commands with brief descriptions.
Finally, investing in a good book is an easy way of finding out the useful functions quickly.
I understand this stuff well. What I don’t understand is where do you learn all the coding commands? Like how would a normal person know to use “MsgBox” ?
Hello VBA4Excel, I really appreciate your effort and these videos are very helpful. But there are only 6 videos. It will be useful if you upload more covering the all basic VBA Thank you.
Good vid.
Could you help me plz?? I have a user form and on that form is a textbox.Data from a cell on the worksheet is read into that textbox and the user can observe it. A simple calculation is done on the cell before it is read into the text box.This produces a number with a large number of decimal places. Even though I set the number of decimal…
… places of that cell to 2 (via right clicking on the cell and selecting “Format Cells…”) the number read into the text box still displays all the decimal places.Could anyone tell me how I can set the number of decimal places of the text box itself?
Sorry im new to coding etc. is visual basic case senstitive? (im assuming it is)
great! I am a beginner …this is great
okay, at last i understand this VB even though still the basic only. i need to work out on my assessment which is a geographic data analysis. though
At Last! My First Working Project!