HTML Tutorial 6: HTML Tables Follow me on Google+ Follow me on Twitter @mlassoff Udemy Course: Tables and the table tag are a great way to display information in columns and rows. While tables appear tricky at first, this tutorial will show you how to easily construct tables that display tabular information on your web page. Appropriate for all regardless of your experience level. Specifically, this video reviews the table tag, the th (table header) and td (table data) tags, the border attribute, the cellspacing and cellpadding attributes as well as colors within your tables. Hosted by Mark Lassoff of www.LearnToProgram.TV, this video is a great guide to producing tables with HTML.
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Video tutorial posted 17/07/12

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nice vid! check out my channel
videos are excellent…
you had me at “…but also used to be used as kind of a hack”
really superb
Hey I just wanna quickly say this is a really good way of setting out tutorials. Easy to understand, you seem like a genuine nice guy and not some ‘you should know this’ kinda guy, and also the way you go off on small tangents as you type (Like the Brady bunch stuff) really breaks it up nicely, subscribed 😀
No it didnt. The video, however, did.
Nice job for the most part with the tutorial but your HTML is sloppy and deprecated. FOR YOUR VIEWERS: 1. Make sure you close ALL your tags, ie. he didn’t close his tr tag or self close the image tag. Writing HTML like this will send your page into quirks mode. 2. Seperate style from structure, all the coloring, etc should be done with CSS. Hope this helps some people.
May i ask you a question… what do the tbody and the tfooter tags do? is this just for edditing in css or is there actualy an other use with those tags??
Btw. Nice tut man!
man. thank you. i have an exam tomorrow and i forgot my lessons. Your better than my teacher. haha. thanks any ways. Keep up the good work.
Thanks man, i finally understand tables properly
Great video, thanks man.
Why did’nt the alt text show, when you hovered over?