iMovie Tutorial: Beginners and Basics

iMovie Tutorial: Beginners and Basics

So I decided to make a video that showed how I use iMovie and the basics within. This does not necessarily represent how iMovie should be used, but it is my beginner’s guide as these are the simple features that I use, without having to shell out for a more advanced movie editor. Views of the software are purely my own and not everyone may agree that this is the best way to use iMovie, but this demonstrates how I use it and how easy it is. If you want to see the finished product of my VLOG, you can check it out here:

Don’t forget to check out our other video tutorials or share this video with a friend.

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17 responses to “iMovie Tutorial: Beginners and Basics”

  1. tenty says:

    No worries, it’s great to be able to show people who are new to this version of iMovie, or even experienced users some things from scratch so it doesn’t seem so scary! Best of luck with navigating iMovie and I hope to see what you can produce though it!

  2. TheTairyy says:

    your welcome! and thanks for the tutorial i’m a beginner

  3. tenty says:

    Heh. Thanks very much! If you want to hear more of me speaking, you can always check out my playlist of vlogs on my channel. I personally don’t think I’m that good, but hey, there’s always more material for you 🙂

  4. tenty says:

    Sounds like you’re making great progress. I’ll be interested in what you achieve once you get it up and posted! 🙂

  5. kcmfitzsimons says:

    Thanks Tenty. Thanks for getting back so quickly. I have now made a short video and am working on getting some music into it since it is panoramic and hope to save and eventually get one to u tube and get it into my Facebook page. Thank you so much. I feel I have achieved something today and you have really helped me step by step. I am so enjoying this.

  6. tenty says:

    Hey there. No worries. I’ve updated the description box to have the final edited vlog that I was working on when I made this video. I hope that makes more sense.

    I would say that 80% of the videos I post on here have gone though iMovie (unless they were a direct upload like some of the videos for the 60 Second September VLOGs). Hope that gives you an idea however of what you can do in a simple editor 🙂 Best of luck and feel free to ask questions if you get stuck!

  7. kcmfitzsimons says:

    I was hoping you would show us how the movie clip looked after all the work. I am a beginner and will have a look over this video a few times before getting the hang of it. Many thanks. 

  8. tenty says:

    You’re most welcome. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment too! 🙂

  9. ghuseynzade says:

    thanks a lot! really helpful!

  10. tenty says:

    No worries! glad to be of assistance. Thanks for leaving a comment, and I’d be interested to see what you can create from iMovie 🙂

  11. OhSoPinteresting says:

    Thanks for this tutorial. It’s great for a beginner like me

  12. tenty says:

    Ah, sorry to hear that it’s all changed and it’s more of a pain to use iMovie from the previous versions. I came from just using iMovie ’11 so it’s the only way I know to edit videos. If you get stuck, hopefully you can work it out using my video as a reference! Best of luck with the new version. Will be interested to see how you go 🙂

  13. lcassady says:

    Very helpful…gives me hope. I really dislike the current version of iMovie (compared to the one I used extensively in 2006) and was about to look into the possibility of finding that old version to use again. But your video gives me hope that I can learn what I already have, even though it is counterintuitive and difficult to learn!

  14. tenty says:

    No problems. You are most welcome. Thank you also for taking the time out to comment on my video 🙂

  15. tenty says:

    No worries! thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it 🙂

  16. Brayden Massa says:

    no sorry i just needed to get to my channel and i forgot tht i can just click on my name on the top right corner lol

  17. MariaLevina1 says:

    THank you! For real

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