Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #21 – Date & Time Pt.2 – Date Calculations

Visit MotionTraining at Working with dates is essential for many Excel users. In this video learn how to perform basic date calculations. More tutorials soon.
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Video tutorial posted 27/07/12
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Thank you so much with these videos.It helped me to land a job!
hi is it possible to set up a alerts through condition formating for increments of 5? example: 1,2,3,4,5 Alert. 6,7,8,9,10 Alert. ?
i am your new subscriber. just because of your Awesome video tutorials.
Awesome dude! thanx
Thank you so much for taking the time to put up these video out of the goodness of your heart. question at 6.12 in the video you press f4 to give absolute reference to give the days left in the following row. I don’t quite understand why not just copy from the first formula(cell containing 0). I know it does not work but I am bit confused why it does not work and why when you press f4 the currency symbol appear. I don’t remember when you explained absolute reference
sir your videos are so good that i learn t a lot from that, thank for you that and sir could you please upload the videos on spss beginners(statistical package for social science) as soon as possible , it will be very helpful for me. Thank you
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I went through all 21 videos, GREAT JOB!!!
Excellent! Thanks. Looking forward to your next video.
Is the #21 the last chapter?
Thank you so much, I have spent some good time watching your videos and I really
want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Thanks for spending some time teaching us. I believe you made a huge difference in our lives.
May you have a happy life.
Hi. Good question. There are a couple of things you can do. The easy way is to apply a ‘Conditional Format’ to the cell so that any negative value is formatted as white text. A better way would be to combine the date calculation with an IF function to put a message in the cell if the result is negative. For example: =IF(A7-$E$3<0,"Past",A7-$E$3). If you want the cell blank use "" instead of "Past". Hope that helps.
Love the videos! Please Keep it up!
Quick Q about the dates. When a show date has expired, it will show a minus figure in the “Days to Go” column. Is there a way of just showing nothing rather than a minus figure? It is not a huge issue but just curious.
Thanks again!