Photoshop Tutorial Rap

Photoshop Tutorial Rap

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12 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial Rap”

  1. Lolocator says:

    my number 1 tutorial

  2. tjhiphop13 says:

    They’re on Macs.

  3. dragonninja4027 says:

    Anyone notice the Space Ass poster from the Nicolas Cage’s Agent vid?

  4. TheSilvernuts says:

    @MrBjoen But think pads are PCs, I have one.

  5. MrBjoen says:

    The last guy have one the best computer brands that exist, still it’s a apple OS.

  6. thepinkcello says:

    i have a friend that can do that. i think he broke his fingers.

  7. vincentstockdaletv says:

    what shortcut keys is this? I can’t find this feature!

  8. TheBoom3100 says:

    @Pezz2244 Yep

  9. IshCoolReviews says:

    This was uploaded less than a year and a half ago.

  10. illevenlickthegravy says:

    OR, for the red eye, you could just import it to iPhoto and use the red eye remover 🙂

  11. amauta5 says:

    i watched this a couple of years ago… 1:30 still the best part.

  12. XxSterlos96xX says:

    why didn’t he just select the whole girl layer? It’s a transperant background….

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