WordPress Tutorial For Beginners Part 5 – Appearance Settings, Menus and Widgets

Wordpress Tutorial For Beginners Part 5 - Appearance Settings, Menus and Widgets

THE NEW SITE IS UP FOR ALL WORDPRESS BEGINNERS!!! www.wordpresstipstricksandtweaks.com | In this fifth WordPress tutorial for beginners, I run you though changing your site’s appearance by showing you how to install and search for themes for your WordPress website. I also show you how to customize your WordPress website menu and installing widgets. Make sure to view the rest of my “WordPress Tutorials for Beginners” video series on YouTube and subscribe to my channel. If you would like help in your business, contact me at http
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14 responses to “WordPress Tutorial For Beginners Part 5 – Appearance Settings, Menus and Widgets”

  1. angelalitterio says:

    Hi Robert, Is there a way for the RSS feed to open in a new window? I didn’t see you doing that on this tutorial. I’ve linked Elle magazine to my site, but the news does not open a separeate window. Thoughts? Thank you!!

  2. LeoLimaWEB says:

    I’ll go ahead an say that these videos are helpfull. So I’ll go ahead and thumbs u

  3. owoyalefemi1 says:

    I love your videos…and your voice 🙂

  4. nigelum says:

    I thought about deleting my mistake from the tutorial, but how would that help anyone else. I figured that everyone needed to see how I came to my conclusion and that EVERYONE has times where they miss something.

  5. shacksmokehouse says:

    I absolutely loved the fact that when you were having some difficulty in making the menus appear the way you wanted them, that instead of starting over and/or editing the video, you just powered on and figured it out….that is a great way of teaching people how to troubleshoot….thank you….I’m learning so much from your videos!

  6. fatured says:

    Dear Robert,
    I want to thank you so much! I love the way you about putting your video together,when your showing how to use wordpress. I have done much better with wordpress in putting my site together with you by side. I have done everything you have showen us! thank you!

  7. nigelum says:

    Some themes will bypass the whole “show exerts” choice. You will need to add your home page in the “menu” section of your “Appearance option. Add a custom menu, name it “Home” and add the main URL as your link.

  8. kiraspider1 says:

    Hello Robert, Love your videos. I have a question regarding excerpt under Reading, I set “For each article in a feed, show” option to summary but it is still showing the full page. What do you think it can be. Also my blog does not list the home page as a page option. Under pages I just have “contact us” and “privacy policy”. Would appreciate any help.

  9. PEREZ PEREZ says:

    I can’t tell you how much these videos have helped me:) I want to thank you soooo sooo much!

  10. kiraspider1 says:

    Awesome video very greatful. Thank you!

  11. isartart says:

    Thanks very much for doing this series. You’ve helped me immeasurably and I really appreciate it. 🙂

  12. staramonger says:

    Thanks Rob, Have been trying to contact the company, but to no avail…Once again, thanks. Time to spend some time looking through the rest of your vids :p Robyn

  13. nigelum says:

    Yes, the company has restricted your menu by adding you to the website as something other than an administrator.

  14. staramonger says:

    Hi Robert, Long story short – my Dad has used a company to make him a website and all they have done essentially is set him up a wordpress account and charged him a fair bit of money for it too. So here I am trying to learn how to build the site, but my dashboard is different to yours. mine only says Profile and Tools whereas with yours you can access appearance, plugins and themes, etc. Any idea why? could It be possible that the company have restricted the dashboard menu? Thanks, Robyn

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