Adobe Lightroom Tutorial – Inside Look at the Dorothy and Toto Preset

Adobe Lightroom 30 day trial (free): Marika’s Lightroom Presets: Make sure to like us on Facebook for tutorial updates and extras:
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Video tutorial posted 12/08/12
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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The link to the presets doesn’t work anymore
I bought Adobe Lightroom3 and played around with it.I kinda thought I knew most of what it could do untell your video.It showed me two key things I didnt know it did!! I cant wait to see more tutorials from you Marika and keep up the great work!!
do you think you could do a tutorial on photoshops HDR Toning feature. i mean… i know how to mess with it to make a picture look nice but have no idea what “Gamma” really does and why does HDR flatten your document and merges all your layers when working in a project? pretty please???
@neumannfilms very nice!
It’s been hacked for a while. I don’t know anything about website so relying on other people to fix it is taking longer than I would like. It’s very close to being back up from what I know though.
Ur website can’t open did you guys changed? i have been browsing abt a week to buy presets but can’t access your website what’s your website problem??
hi im JC how can i get free music backgrounds for my films? thankyou
Marika, your presets are the best, I am very happy with each one of them. –Perla Adams
not to be a ball buster, but it looks like the capture was recorded at a very low frame rate, or with one of those programs that captures only when you click somewhere, thus the difficult to follow mouse movement.
Just a suggestion next time record at least at 10 frames per sec for a smoother video
Again , thanks for the tutorial and in case you don’t give a flying thing , it’s ok…lol
Hey! First Of all I love your videos and films! You showed me that you can still produce good content with out having the most expensive equipment! I have a quick question…. Im looking to purchase my 2nd DSLR and was wondering if I should get a T2I-T3I-60D ? My first SLR was a nikon D3000 but I have used a T2I and loved it,
Most of it. Not all of it though.
cool but you can do all of that in camera raw
Or you could be faster?
Next video, please take your time. It seems like your in a rush and you can’t do that during a tutorial.
Thanks Marika for you tut, thanks neumannfilms cant wait to recieve my cinematic presets bundle!
Great tutorial! Would be nice to log in to YouTube to an in depth sony vegas workflow tutorial from u guys 😉
Keep making vids.. ur inspiration!
Great video Marika … very well presented … love what you guys do also … 😉 …
Nice. Is this te first tutorial she does? I been following you guids since feb. When igot my t2I. I still suck. But when I use the tips I remember from your vids… everything comes out better. Oh and with all due respect. Your wife does have a real relaxing voice. Please keep doing what you do guys. You guys are my inspiration
Your preset looks great. I hope to see another tutorial soon. Maybe about the use of layer masks in photoshop. I’m having trooble with it 😉
p.s. I watched every video on this channel and your advanced tutorials are the best!
your voice is amazing 🙂
Actually it is a video, not a screen capture picture. If you watch again you will see that she is performing each step as she explains it.