Dreamweaver CS5 – CSS Tutorial: 1 of 5

Dreamweaver CS5 - CSS Tutorial: 1 of 5

twitter.com Learn all about styling tags and how to write CSS code in Dreamweaver. By the end of this tutorial you will have a good understanding of how to write CSS, how CSS works. Download a free trial tiny.cc
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18 responses to “Dreamweaver CS5 – CSS Tutorial: 1 of 5”

  1. borgfield says:

    i think its better to code it yourself but this is good for people who cant but i mean CSS and HTML are not that hard to learn its easy exspecially what he did in that video

  2. maskerade45 says:

    Thank you soooo much for this tutorial. I’ve been working with DW for a while, but I haven’t really gotten deep into CSS, since most of my websites were only a few pages. But a few months ago I created a a 30+ page website with back links and articles and I needed to streamline. Your tutorial is perfect for me, because its in PLAIN ENGLISH. Great job sir!!

  3. MaskedViolinist07 says:

    Good tutorial, but the clicking is madly annoying. I want to turn off the volume, but then I wont be able to hear you either.

  4. RBLtheGLORIOUS says:

    Great tutorial! very helpful as I am a total beginner to dreamweaver & web design.

  5. ImzTech says:

    I see what you’re saying but because this is a Dreamweaver tutorial I thought I would let Dreamweaver do all the coding. Tanks for the comment 

  6. jnyboy1 says:

    I’ll be honest, video is ok but why are you doing a tutorial in design page? why not actually do your coding than preview in design mode, also than write your css codes in a css file. sample( do this in HTML div id=”sample” than in your CSS sheet #sample {font color} would be a better tutorial.

  7. handsomeape says:

    Hahaha that made my night, very funny!

  8. stenyxx says:

    speak up, junior!

  9. ImzTech says:

    This stuff costs a lot!!! Try the trial version first OR try Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Its FREE!!! Google it and download it.

  10. Robinsonwww says:

    Do you think I would be able to design a web site professionally using dreamweaver 8 or must i buy cs5 at a minimum

  11. ImzTech says:

    mainly has extra CSS3/HTML5 support

  12. Robinsonwww says:

    what is the difference between dreamweaver cs5 and cs5.5

  13. ImModing says:

    Wonderful tutorial mate. I was very impressed. I’ll be watching a lot more. The mouse sound was fine, don’t worry too much about it.

  14. lilromeoz says:

    ur stupid. u gotta explain every single step…i got lost at 2:12. how do u make those folders?

  15. jhudso23 says:

    great tutorial

  16. ImzTech says:

    A few people said the same thing, about the clicking. This was one of my first videos. since then I have made 40 or so video in HD without the clicking. Thanks for the feedback.

  17. thefaz50 says:

    I really liked your video, very informative. The only issue is the clicking sound with the animation on your mouse. I had to stop watching the video because the clicking was just way too much. Maybe leave out the clicking sound next time? Would subscribe and watch more.

  18. HOPSING08 says:

    Your not just cranky. It was bugging me too. BUT like you said, good tutorial.

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