Dreamweaver Tutorial – 5 – Adding Hyperlinks

Dreamweaver Tutorial - 5 - Adding Hyperlinks

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18 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial – 5 – Adding Hyperlinks”

  1. MrDeathWaffle says:

    its meant for beginners dumbo
    if it wasnt it would say “advanced dreamweaver tutorial” 😐
    all i can say to u is that you are 1 stupid person

  2. LeonaRaven says:

    This tutorial doesn’t show me what I want to know. It’s too basic and simple, do you have more professional tutorial?

  3. zorro30mum says:

    Nothing of whats shown here deserves a tutorial , too basic and something anyone can pick up by a lil fiddling around, sadly most of the tutorials you make fall in the same mediocre category.

  4. Kankerzwijn says:

    Thanks you´re awsome! Great tutorial, easy to follow and very educative!

  5. soldierpakistani says:

    You are the best teacher seriously!

  6. FNTrueWrestling says:

    Great Video, Thank you, nice refresh from school.

  7. emadla12 says:

    thank you for a wonderful an easy to understand tutorial

  8. 48Anndy says:

    and great video also…congrats!

  9. 48Anndy says:

    You are 69 year old man!!! O.o 5:27

  10. phunagewine says:

    what about weak link? Nah, just kidding 😀

  11. Heardmag says:

    I am a newbie as well and you my friend are saving me a ton of money. Thank you, so much!

  12. goddessjalou says:

    Love your tutorials .. am a dreamweaver newbie 😀

  13. fantasticlife49 says:

    thank you very very much I now realise that I have really been taken for ride by so called programmers, pretending that takes time to change things, this videos give me a tool to controll what I get for money.
    Thank you very much and i am learning a lot

  14. MarkThimoty88 says:

    tnx.! Yes You are A Professional!

  15. sonniaustria says:

    Thank you so much for this tutorial – I’ve been using Frontpage for so many years, but now it’s about high time to try out something that is a bit more up-to-date. I think I’ll go for Dreamweaver. You’re really doing a great job 🙂

  16. shadow777abner says:

    this is guy is the best.. of the best….

  17. redguitars says:

    I like tutorials from this guy because he is laid back and easy to understand. A lot of other tutorials are hosted by incredibly annoying people with annoying voices that make it difficult to learn anything.

  18. Jimmykwango says:

    Thanks for taking the time for this series of vids-appreciations for helping people out!

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