Dreamweaver Tutorial – Html & Css Website | Embed YouTube Video

Dreamweaver Tutorial - Html & Css Website | Embed YouTube Video

Embed YouTube Videos to your Website in Dreamweaver CS4 CS5 CS3 8 etc. This works with any version and any word editor like GIMP. The code is exactly the same and it can easily be copied. This is a simple website layout with a header, soon to be navigation, two column content area and a footer. We are styling our video with div tags and css. The difference between div id’s and class’ are explained in the video. – Watch Part 1 here: www.youtube.com – What are Div Tags: www.youtube.com – Make sure to Subscribe: bit.ly – My Website: ZeTutorials.tk How to make a website layout Dreamweaver CS3 CS4 CS5 tutorial CSS and HTML coding Dreamweaver and Photoshop website div tags explained how to style a website create a website in css and html free how to write div tags two column website styling a webpage Embed YouTube Videos How To —

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17 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial – Html & Css Website | Embed YouTube Video”

  1. Ken Zen says:

    How do you place an MPEG4 video into Dreamweaver from your local computer as opposed to a YouTube video?

  2. Vbelgiumdutch AF says:

    i dont have the embed button i tried every browser pls help

  3. iRAPEPOPTARTS says:

    IM attempting to do this now. In PSD to dreamweaver. Thanks for this upload!

  4. meercatdave01 says:

    liked and subbed

  5. ABDULLAH63442 says:

    how can i use build in template? and how can i connect?? thank you

  6. mich665g says:

    You helping so many people.. thank you for this! 🙂 keep make tutorials! “ps”

    i make a lot of channels and subscribe on you!

  7. mich665g says:

    thank you for helping 🙂

  8. reginepetrola says:

    thank you so much 😀

  9. young825p says:

    Thanks you for this video. You the best.

  10. FingerThatO says:

    i learned so much in the last 2 hours than i did from my teacher on 4 weeks. ugh…. wasted my money on him.

  11. FrosenYoghurt says:

    when I come to 4:32 then I dont see it like this and there’s no targeted rule :S

  12. ciberbuz says:

    did you ever finish this website??

  13. darjake5000 says:

    whats the bar you have at the bottom of your website called? the one with facebook like and twitter and stuff?

  14. vmartinez2471 says:

    Hello ZeTut, your videos have finally get me into div tags. one recommendation for your html/css/dreamweaver tut is to give it a part 1, 2, 3 in the name of the video, it is difficult to find it among your other tuts, thumbs up and thanks.

  15. koenman1 says:

    Thank you dude it helped me so hard keep making those video’s !!!!
    i created an account on youtube just for subscribe you !! 😀

  16. princessmj says:

    Your video is the only one I understood so easily!!

    btw, ZERO dislikes!! 😀 Keep rocking!!! xD

  17. periloustymz says:

    nice tutorial still.. but why use inline style when uve got a css stylesheet, thats not a good coding convention, apart from that its a nice tutorial

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