HTML Tutorial for Beginners – part 3 of 4

HTML Tutorial for Beginners - part 3 of 4 How to make a website HTML Tutorial – Basics. This is the third in a series of videos designed to teach the basics of HTML. This video will show how the default behavior of tags can be changed, using attributes, and it will also describe the Document Type Definition (DTD). This tutorial is based on XHTML version 1.0.
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21 responses to “HTML Tutorial for Beginners – part 3 of 4”

  1. Kwintessential2 says:

    These are working out great for me. I still need to practice. 

  2. ukmehrnoosh says:

    Thanks a lot! The best tutorial !

  3. ukmehrnoosh says:

    Thanks! The best tutorial !

  4. wowgetthis says:

    Wonderful tutorial for me as a newbie html user. Very precise and clear language that anyone can understand. Thank you so much.

  5. Bikerbiko says:

    this is helpful for me as a beginner doing html cheers

  6. Clintos2012 says:

    Thanks these tuts are very helpful, I learned a lot.

  7. Clintos2012 says:

    good tut

  8. gamerguide2121 says:

    These are very helpful.
    Thanks you!

  9. zinart86 says:

    thanks, I already figured the problem, I’ve saved document in wrong file type.

  10. tutor4u says:

    The tester actually uses your browser to interpret and display your html code. Therefore, you should not see any different between using the tester vs an external file. This, of course, assumes that you are using the same browser for both. Try copying and pasting the code from one to the other and see if there is still a difference.

  11. zinart86 says:

    why is align code works on tester, but not in browser?

  12. Rodney1252 says:

    Very explanatory


  13. Arturo Gabuyog says:

    Great vid.. It helps a lot. Thank you…

  14. likes2laff30 says:

    OK, well, that could be very useful for D.T.P.
    I’ll keep learning whatever i can.
    Is there still a big market for that now?

  15. MrSwagger151 says:

    lol oops, typing error.

  16. MrSwagger151 says:

    Isn’t this code depreciated? Isn’t it easier to create a CSS rule for this in a separate style sheet? GREAT reference material on the Website BTW.

  17. TheWezzo124 says:

    I am a few rows back and joining in with that *slow clap* ready to shout ‘Encore’

  18. delt01 says:

    Was just going to comment about “deprecated” vs. “depreciated” as well =)

    You have a calm, relaxing voice. It’s a pleasure to learn by watching and listening to your videos.

  19. JayJayAbels says:

    Yeah it’s pronounced dep-rah-kay-ted. lol

    Solid tutorial aside from that though!

  20. SHAHROZ228 says:

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  21. LM0161 says:

    what is the difference between XHTML and HTML?

    Does it matter which one i use?

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