iMovie for iPad 2: Tutorial

iMovie for iPad 2: Tutorial

This is a very detailed walkthrough of iMovie for iPad 2. Universal App: Compatible with iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G, and iPad 2. Price: :99 Link: The car is a 2011 Lincoln MKX:

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22 responses to “iMovie for iPad 2: Tutorial”

  1. FromBrainsToBeauty says:

    Is it possible to add a blank text page in the middle of the video?

  2. MrsGlass2007 says:

    Great Tut. Can you speed up or slow down vids ion this app?

  3. ShockingLightLightin says:

    thanks dude subs

  4. animefan06ify says:

    i cant change how long the audio clip is, it’s a song from my album. it doesnt work if i tap on the header.

  5. italia santoyo says:

    @mekhistar123 u need to update ur iPad on software settings

  6. CharlieWilliamNeal says:

    Do u recommend this app?

  7. mekhistar123 says:

    Please help me I can’t get iMovie I have ipad2 and it say I need iOS please help me

  8. caitlynw24 says:

    Watch my imovie trailer!

  9. lylacprincess says:


  10. Xxsweet11xX says:

    can u speed it up…i have imovie but i cant figure it out and i need to speed up a video…plz respond…i have the 2012 imovie on ipad2

  11. 14Mrred says:

    Nice car man i like it

  12. Dancam12345 says:

    There are still many things i dont like about this app. I dont like how you cant move itunes audio songs to a specific location and i dont like how my red cursor reaches the end of my video before its actually finished. Could someone please explain to me why this is happening. Because the part of my video doesnt match up with where my cursor is located.

  13. kesha4everable says:

    Just use splice! It’s the same thing as iMovie and it’s free!

  14. JohnEnergy2012 says:

    To adjust the length of the title just cut the video sample with the vertical swipe you demonstrated. Works for me…

  15. 390fordgalaxie says:

    can you add your personal favorite music downloaded from itunes?

  16. JustinFredified2 says:


  17. mrantisocial1 says:

    Great video, thanks

  18. LEcKTIsS says:
  19. dandalton95 says:

    Should I buy the iMovie or a Lincoln mkx??????????

  20. frankwup3000 says:

    Is it possible to make your Video black and white? And also can you move the text box in the video?

  21. AA14CBF says:

    Learn something new. Thanks.

  22. squirtleman890 says:

    cool car

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