Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style Illustration

Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style Illustration

Images & Brushes Links: Texture: Car: Grunge Brushes: Welcome to this tutorial! We are going to take a look at how to create this cool, fully customizable and editable grungy, dirty, distressed background. We will use a combo of texture, brushing, and blend modes to create a very cool background inspired by a modest iTunes Gift Card! Learn about brushing, adjustment layers, dodging and burning, blend modes, texturing, masking, and even a slight touch of the pen tool. Enjoy! Twitter! Be sure to check out Check out the blog @ http
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6 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style Illustration”

  1. darrenrossi says:

    good job mate and cheers for passing on your knowledge

  2. lamyeechiu says:

    because of this video, I will remember tutvid.

  3. lexification12 says:

    Could u put some new links with the texture stuff? the ones in the description doesnt wo´rk anymore

  4. Nathan Stephens says:

    great video helped me alot!

  5. ThyHoneyNut says:

    is there a way to do this same thing…but on a white background?

  6. KabbaVArtAndDesign says:


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