RCT3 FIREWORKS TUTORIAL 12-B(particle rotation applications)

This tutorial explains how to use particle rotation to make rocket exhaust, bow-tie fireworks, and blowing smoke/wind effects.
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Video tutorial posted 17/08/12
Category: Fireworks Tutorials
Tags: 12Bparticle, applications, Fireworks, RCT3, rotation, Tutorial

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i was unable to make the bowtie when the big balls of stars go of they dont connect at a point. please help.
how do u make a firework shoot up in like mutipul coulours like it dosent expload but it just shoots up with like 10 balls of coulour
hi 🙂
could you make new tutorials from the 8th? since that tutorial i couldn’t understand a thing :c
please, i’m begging you :'(
Thank you so much!
I’ve learned a lot from you!
But my fireworks is’nt good as you… 🙂
can you make pls a tutorial of a crossette shell
just make a fountain of smoke particles.
is there anyway to make like a smoke machine effect?
Smoke IS hard to do well. Anyway, it should be blurry so that it looks like smoke and not a star. Try making a small explosion of smoke and lower the brightness.
man im so stuck on smoke im trying to make smoke off a star explosion but just comes out all blurry what am i doing wrong?