Web Page Tutorial #01: Basic HTML

Web Page Tutorial #01: Basic HTML

This is an introduction to HTML using Notepad. While some prefer to use a WYSIWYG editor, HTML can be a great benefit if you want to modify your MySpace profile, embed video clips on your blog, etc.
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12 responses to “Web Page Tutorial #01: Basic HTML”

  1. Gamerboy7991 says:

    What’s the difference between head and body?

  2. ElectroSexual56 says:

    WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get.

  3. WordPressTutorialNow says:

    The quickest way to create a html link is to use the link code creator I just built, check my channel to see how without even knowing a line of html you can quickly build 28 different types of html link code.

  4. UltimateSoftwareINC says:

    Great tutorial! Really helpful!

  5. MsBeany says:

    wow thx so much for this tutorial!!! Finally found help to understand HTML a bit better… it had to sink in and never did before. Now i think i can give it a try 🙂 shame i havent found this tutorial easlier 🙁 but better late than never 🙂 again thx!!! Great job!!!

  6. SearingPanda says:

    Wow mate, im trying to learn HTMl and this Tutorial is Superb, good job mate u answered all my questions and made it easy 🙂

  7. Expertise4 says:

    You have to open it with something beside Internet explorer

  8. Irepdawestcoast says:

    ok so im running windows vista as my OS and none of this ever shows up when I open up internet explorer. Any solutions anyone?

  9. khalidsameer2 says:

    You rocked bro

  10. melblue87 says:

    very helpful thanks!

  11. Adrian Gordon says:

    good toutorial

  12. XxRedDude says:

    When i try to bold the text, everything gets bolded. I only want half to be. What am i doing wrong?

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