3D Brochure in Adobe Illustrator Creative Inspiration Tutorial

3D Brochure in Adobe Illustrator Creative Inspiration Tutorial

Making a brochure in 3D can be done in a few different ways. It’s easy in Photoshop but I find I even easier in Illustrator. Here is an example of how to accomplish this in Illustrator. If you like this video and would like to see more or please subscribe to my channel “LTCreativeStudio”

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8 responses to “3D Brochure in Adobe Illustrator Creative Inspiration Tutorial”

  1. jorelako says:

    thnx for sharing this man!

  2. LTCreativeStudio says:

    Thank you :)

  3. new00day says:

    nice one..!!

  4. nzjemountfort says:

    you are the man, thanks for the tutorial. on another note, which 7 idiots hit the dislike button ? !

  5. PokeMan995 says:

    The program he is using

  6. cannoir says:

    the tutorial or the actual rendered brochure?

  7. michael86734 says:

    cool tutorial saw can you make a book also?
    that is wath Im trying to do
    but sense I dont have maya or 3D max I just use
    adobe products thanks

  8. nitzanrimon says:

    Thank you so much. I love your tutorials. You are a greate teacher. Keep up the good work.

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