Adobe Illustrator CS5 Tutorial 1 | Quickstart!

Join Forum @ Here is a really quickstart to Adobe Illustrator CS5. How to setup your layout and save it, and we make a heart for the fun of it. I’m just using the Trial Version until I get more money to actually buy it, they give you 30 days trial sweet.
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Video tutorial posted 06/09/12
Category: Illustrator Tutorials
Tags: Adobe, Illustrator, Quickstart, Tutorial

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so is photoshop and illustrator basically the same?
Very helpful much appreciated for the tutorials
is there any history bar like in photoshop
i cant find it
EASY PEZY… :) … 2:51 …
Thanks prof .
Hey all, visit my channel for some adobe illustrator tutorials,
I think he has been rude with you, but i kind of agree with him. Thats cuz u should first learn a little more about that program and then do a tutorial about what you’re already familiar with. Don’t take it as an insult just as a constructive critic. (Sorry if I mispelled something wrong, as english is not my main language, i’m Brazillian.)
how u undo your last step ?
how do you delete
Thks so much. this is very helpful!
i like, thank You!
Your start isn’t very quick! Your a beginner I guess.
Hey man, He’s just trying to help, upload your video and let’s see what would you feel if you’ll receive the same criticism…
That is a horrible way to make a heart! making a box then subtracting the top of it? are you kidding me? what your doing is like driving a Ferrari in first gear and staying under 30mph the whole way. This is not MS paint. I cant believe I wasted 5 minutes of my life watching this!
Thank man. I took a graphics design class a year ago and forgot everything. This helped me get things down again.
Hey, thanks for making it real easy to follow along! Awesome job!