After Effects Tutorial – 17 – Introduction to Masking

Part 18 – First video on Masking in After Effects cs3 visit my website at
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Video tutorial posted 01/09/12
Category: After Effects Tutorials
Tags: After, Effects, Introduction, Masking, Tutorial

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I was looking for the the crop tool forever. Noob. Thanks again.
I searched so long for this simple effect. Thank you so much for that video!!!
I made my own character also, Abby the Aubergine 😀
how can I move the mask? position.?
Excellent Tutorial. Are you going to go over how to Feather that same mask?
holy crap 2613 videos!?!
Great tutorial.. btw.. is it possible to place another video within the outside of the mask to replace the black area?
yeah, from your mom “hehe”.
man you’re like, just better and free !!! 🙂 many thanks !!!
Oh… so what was happening to me every time I used a mask was normal… huh. Well, now there is nothing in After Effects for me to be mad at. Good.
Really helpful vids. Im subbing now.
I am just going to guess he pressed unlock above the tab. Never used Adobe effects in my life, don’t even own it, but like learning new stuff.
learner here, at 1:30 when u open layer as well as composition, how do u keep the 2 panes open, mine only displays one of the tabs, not both together, great tutorial
and how do you animated that mask?
So is it possible to use layer masks? (Like in Photoshop)
for the record, those “nodes/nubs” are called anchor points, and the lines extending off of each anchor point is called a bezier curve.
After Effects: Return of the Sausage
Very well explained, love your video!
Is it possible to use a (for example) black and white layer whereby i key out the white areas. Then use this layer to mask the original footage in this way: where the black areas were it leaves the footage, where the (masked) white were it will be cut so it will be transparent and i can look through to a third layer (bottom layer). In one word the black-white layer will define the mask shape but it can’t be seen at the render.
Thank You
That’s exactly what he’s talking about in this video.
could you do a tutorial on how to do things like the annoying orange.