animated gif tutorial – Fireworks CS4 States Tutorial – Ad Banners

animated gif tutorial - Fireworks CS4 States Tutorial - Ad Banners

Learn how to make animated banners and files for your web design projects without using flash. Output animated GIF files to easily pop into your pages.
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19 responses to “animated gif tutorial – Fireworks CS4 States Tutorial – Ad Banners”

  1. Ambati Sowmya says:

    omg!! I LOVE YOU! thanks for the video…

  2. frankinstyyn says:

    You made it look so easy… You bastard!!

  3. Minecrafticals says:

    Thank you 🙂

  4. newtzdogg says:

    downlooooadd animatiiiiioonn - saaaweeet!

  5. htxb says:

    thanks for the simple how-to! it was exactly what i needed to know.

  6. Melne982 says:

    Really good instruction! Thanks!

  7. blakestvnsn says:

    there is tweening.

  8. angymylove says:

    thank you!

  9. neety1205 says:

    thank you so so much. really appreciate this video.

  10. JLillyVentures says:

    Thanks! That was exactly what I needed. I haven’t made an animated .gif in almost 10 years. Much appreciated.

  11. 44871umair says:

    can u edit the speed of the animation?? if yes, how??


    There is nothing wrong with this on how you said vetran firework users maybe laughing at you. This was exactly what I was looking for on help with making an animated GIF format. I know Flash should be used to make animations but I’ve noticed when I save a gif format in flash, it only gives me one frame of the animation (I may not be using it corrtly but I there is just some features in fireworks like the textures that I want to use to have a text animate in a GIF format.
    Thanks so much

  13. MikkelGPro says:

    Thanks this helped a lot with my ajax loader:)

  14. MotorcycleFair says:

    good stuff,,,thnx

  15. Alex0nFire says:

    bro macromedia flash is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY easyer to use 😛

  16. DarayThePoet says:

    thank you! we beginner needs the help :3

  17. rjcream says:

    thank you very much

  18. Fernanda Vaca says:


  19. 6CENOURA9 says:

    thanks you dude! nice and easy 🙂

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