Facebook “Like” Button html Tutorial For Fan Pages


louisesteiner.com – This short tutorial will guide you step by step through the process of setting up a Facebook “Like” Button using html code on your Facebook Fan Page. This “Like” Button encourages anyone “liking” your Fan Page to instantly share it with their friends in a status update on their wall. Far more prominent than the message sent out be the default “Like Button” already installed on your Fan Page…. URL link to set up the plugin bit.ly Simple iFrames Tutorial For Facebook: www.louisesteiner.com Centering a facebook like button that changes size with CSS/HTML … 3 answers – 5 Apr New Facebook like button HTML validation · Facebook Like button working but not sharing · custom facebook like button … stackoverflow.com – New Facebook like button HTML validation – Stack Overflow 12 answers – 25 Jan After adding the new facebook like button to my page, … Here is a solution … stackoverflow.com – Show more results from stackoverflow.com Facebook ‘Like’ Button HTML code issue – Web Hosting 7 Dec 2010 … I’ve added a facebook ‘like’ button to my site using code generated by facebook, but when I check my page with an HTML validator it says … www.vodahost.com › … › BlueVoda – General Issues Facebook Like Button for Magento | Retail Evolved When Facebook announced this new way of connecting with users, we immediately got to work on making it easy for you to add this powerful feature to your … http Facebook LIKE Button html – Free Web Hosting Forum 10 posts

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11 responses to “Facebook “Like” Button html Tutorial For Fan Pages”

  1. malek9696 says:

    i want to know how to move the like butten

  2. MSullivan1993 says:

    page there is no like button. I’m not sure if this helps, but I created the fan page with a separate e-mail address than my personal profile page.

  3. MSullivan1993 says:

    Hi I recently followed the steps in your video and found it very helpful. However I still do not see a like button on my fan page. I copied and pasted the IFRAME code into the appropriate area in the Static HTML page and when I click preview the Like button is displayed with the following text: ” Be the first of your friends to like this . Admin Page . Insights”. The problem then follows when I try to scroll over it and it disappears. I know that it is a preview, but when I return to my fan

  4. Louise Steiner says:

    You can’t just paste the code into a Facebook page. You basically need to set up a separate page within your FB page where you are pasting the code and adding other content. One simple way to do this is using the app “Static html iFrame tabs”. You can find a tutorial on how to do this on my blog.

  5. joherly says:

    how can i get into the facebook pages , it mean`s the place where you paste de code ? sorry i`m pretty new in this issue

  6. Kenny12554 says:

    Worthless information. Gets all the way through the damn video but then says she WROTE

  7. kandarksta says:

    thank you this was really helpfull 😀
    if htere would be anything i could do in change 😉

  8. slamed17 says:

    where have to put that link

  9. rijil kv says:

    why do you bluff just say how to do

  10. Rajeshkanna8 says:

    Where do you paste the code? Please help thanks

  11. cartunemmt41103 says:

    when i get the code and go back to my page where exactly do i put it b/c i dnt have that HTML thing

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