Galactic Scene – Photoshop CS5 Tutorial

Watch this tutorial to learn how to create a Galactic Scene in Photoshop!! A note to ALL viewers, this tutorial was specifically made for those who are familiar with the program, and is by all means NOT meant for beginners. Like us on Facebook!! Follow us on Twitter!! Find the Devil Breeze font at: Find the smoke image at: Find the Star Brush at: Follow the original tutorial for this at:
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Video tutorial posted 08/09/12

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omg you are awsome. thank you so much dude !!!!
Glad to have ya! =)
umm Thank you so much!!!! and the other tutorials for a first year in the bachelor of photography are so difficult to understand! you made it easy and effective! you have yourself a new subscriber.
how to you copy forgot
how do you copy
I use shortcuts because they speed things up a bit during the tutorial, and they also teach viewers which shortcuts do what action. Most people find that useful?
cool tutorial…learn a lot of cools stuff…Thanks
Awesome tutorial, i’ve done the same result 🙂 thanks
Loved the tutorial guys, great fun to do!
really hard to find that tools wich u dont even use a mouse just start it by shortcuts 🙂
However help me a lot lern to new things in photoshop
I think that it give a better effect if you blur the smoke. But anyway, Great tutorial, thanks a lot.
Great tutorial!! I checked out the original tutorial on this project on Spoon Graphics and he includes steps to manipulate the text a little bit more. I also found a brush set through that site that I’ve been looking for all day haha, thanks for sharing that!
Hey.. I have a request… Can you please make a tutorial of your introduction? Or If you used a template, then can you please provide me with the link please? W8ng 4 da rply!
I want the intro music…its so awesome…tutututu tututu…tutututu…tututu
Thankss men U realy helped Me
How could you not know impact like seriousy that shits in paint even lol