HTML Tutorial 1 – Designing A Website In Notepad – Basics and Beginnings

HTML Tutorial 1 - Designing A Website In Notepad - Basics and Beginnings

In This Video I Will Be showing you How to Make The Basis Of your Webpage. We will be using notepad or any other text program. Beginners easy and quick In this HTML website design tutorial I will teach you how to write and format your very first web page using HTML. This is an introduction to HTML using Notepad. While some prefer to use a WYSIWYG editor, HTML can be a great benefit if you want to modify your MySpace profile, embed video clips on your blog, etc. Difficulty Level: Easy/Beginner If you have any problems or need help with any of this tutorial please leave a comment below or message me on YouTube. – Learn How To Make A Webpage From Notepad Using html code. This Is A very Basic Website. html tutorial free basic number htm website web how to build design designing developer develop css xhtml programming

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8 responses to “HTML Tutorial 1 – Designing A Website In Notepad – Basics and Beginnings”

  1. howtomakeawebsite5 says:

    Great information.

  2. lvlik9 says:

    I created a logo in photoshop and how do I make it display on my website..

  3. abousloppy says:

    can you leave the codes? Not that I plan on stealing your work but so it can be done easier.

  4. WordPressTutorialNow says:

    The quickest way to create a html link is to use the link code creator I just built, check my channel to see how without even knowing a line of html you can quickly build 28 different types of html link code.

  5. tyler catania says:

    Your video is the best i tried i think 5 before coming to your thank you

  6. DJKillfill says:

    Nice tut!
    Skill: New/beginner
    Useful: Yes

    ( just write -br- its the same effect just easyer :] )

  7. jonclark1997 says:

    this would be easier if you made all your tutorials into a playlist so people can put this on and watch all the way through doing it as you do it in the video

  8. ZenCartEasyHelp says:

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