HTML Tutorial for Beginners – part 4 of 4

HTML Tutorial for Beginners - part 4 of 4 How to make a website HTML Tutorial – Basics. This is the fourth in a series of videos designed to teach the basics of HTML. This video demonstrates the use of the image tag for placing images on a webpage. The anchor tag will also be demonstrated which can be used for creating links on a webpage. This tutorial is based on XHTML version 1.0.
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18 responses to “HTML Tutorial for Beginners – part 4 of 4”

  1. anwar pasha says:

    thanking you…….

  2. BanafritImamuDrogo says:

    I am truly loving your tutorial. Thanks for the info.

  3. killer20065 says:

    thanks you a lot you make html to look like a game thanks again

  4. Turk3yAndGravy says:

    i got a little giddy when i made a link to google and included their picture of the day in the link and everything worked. this shit is fun.

  5. Kwintessential2 says:

    Where is the directory located within the browser? I have images saved on my hard-drive, on my desktop, but to save one on a browser directory? I am looking in the tools section on Chrome for example and I do not see an area for saving a file on a browser directory.

  6. Paddington2000 says:

    Very helpful, thanks.

  7. SwiftBrony95 says:

    You have no idea how thankful I am right now to you… This helps out A LOT more than that damn teacher in my primary school… Thanks again 🙂

  8. zarishize says:

    thank u soo much for your nice tutorials .. it really helped me… thanx for uploading 🙂

  9. unforgettable1forU says:


  10. sapphireangels7 says:

    You are a GENIUS!!! Whew!!! Also, can you make a video on how to make a video tutorial? Because I must say, there are so many people on YouTube who need to watch it!! (Chuckle!!)

  11. ukmehrnoosh says:

    Thanks!the best tutorial !

  12. 84152002 says:

    Great video tutorial. Thanks.

  13. rakeshkumarark says:

    I am very thankful to you for this great video tutorials you are making

  14. Eric Peterson says:

    Thanks for the great tutorial.

  15. Grigor Khechumyan says:

    Thanks. I’ll keep learning.

  16. lily010611 says:

    Several months ago I started working for a software company in customer support. Although I rarely use html myself I felt I needed a better understanding of how it works in order to communicate more efficiently with our developers. Your videos are great – I intend on watch every single one!

  17. Krasi Ivanov says:

    Excellent videos !! Please follow up with more advanced lessons !

  18. wowgetthis says:

    Super stuff. Many thanks for a great set of videos!!

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