iMovie Tutorial for iPad 2 App and How Tos

iMovie Tutorial for iPad 2 App and How Tos

Follow me on twitter: Like me on Facebook: Add me to your Google + Circle: View my beautiful pictures on Instagram: @BrennanSpark This is a tutorial for iMovie for the iPad 2, iPod Touch, and iPhone 4. You will learn how to insert videos, pictures, music, sound effects, and titles. Learn how to use the precision editor and show audio wave forms. Learn how to delete and split clips and undo your mistakes. Add instant voice overlays using the built in microphone in the iPad 2. Add a ken burns effect to your photos.. I will show you how to take videos and pictures without leaving the iMovie app. You can select from 8 different themes, where they have their own unique music, transition, and style. Export and upload your movies directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or the CNN iReport. View your project on your iPad or send it to an Apple TV wirelessly through AirPlay. iMovie for the iPad 2. Is easy and fun. It is the most advanced movie editor on a mobile device. Guided Tour
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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17 responses to “iMovie Tutorial for iPad 2 App and How Tos”

  1. MultiGlenn24 says:

    can you add title cards?

  2. Beligerent Conscriptor says:

    Why does mine automatically ue ken burns and wont let me change it damn it

  3. Beto27C says:

    Thank u…I just wish I knew how to cut off or split a song…let’s say if I just want the beginning of a song …not the rest…

  4. artistactress says:

    is there a picture to picture function in imovie on ipad 2?

  5. Beautyxstarx says:

    How do u fast forward a clip

  6. IpodmasterXD says:

    How you do the las part of your video

  7. chi2251 says:

    Life saver thought I wasted money on that app thanks

  8. sparkleydiva101 says:

    The iPod version cant really do anything u did in this video HELP PLZ!

  9. FromBrainsToBeauty says:

    Is it possible to add a blank text page in the middle of your video?

  10. jamaicanchavelle says:

    How do you speed up a clip

  11. Princessafia2 says:

    i love your channel. I have a questions for you: how do you create a title page slide on its own on te imovie from te ipad? i.e lets say i’m doing a makeup tutorial video for youtube. and i want to have a title on it’s own before i even appear on the video how do i do that? kindly advise.

  12. AmberXluv says:

    It won’t upload for me it says uploading to YouTube then wen the upload thing is full it won’t go on 2 YouTube 🙁

  13. Andy Hayden says:

    iMovie is a decent video video editing tool unless you actually want to do something fairly useful! iMovie suffers from not being able to add any effects to videos, speed up or slow down videos/clips or play a specific part of music from your song imported from iTunes. These are essential tools for video editing and need to be incorporated ASAP

  14. Minigun101 says:

    Can you do reverse?

  15. glitzyglammergirls says:

    how do u delete a mistake in a video clip?

  16. VimalShahen says:

    Can anybody tell me how to add a video response from the new iPad?

  17. holo peeps says:

    cool thanks

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