WordPress Tutorial For Beginners Part 6 – Adding Users

Wordpress Tutorial For Beginners Part 6 - Adding Users

THE NEW SITE IS UP FOR ALL WORDPRESS BEGINNERS!!! www.wordpresstipstricksandtweaks.com | In this sixth WordPress tutorial for beginners, I’ll show you how to add multiple users for WordPress collaboration. This feature allows you to have multiple content providers on your WordPress website. Make sure to view the rest of my “WordPress Tutorials for Beginners” video series on YouTube and subscribe to my channel. If you would like help in your business, contact me at http
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4 responses to “WordPress Tutorial For Beginners Part 6 – Adding Users”

  1. HookedOnTheBook says:

    Thanks so much for this info. 

  2. nigelum says:

    In your admin panel, you would go to your “Settings”, then select “Discussion”. From there, you would choose your pic (Avatar) for your users. I have a Gravatar profile, so my bald head shows up. Hope this helps.

  3. HookedOnTheBook says:

    How do I add a picture for my username? I loved your tutorial but you didn’t show how to add the picture. Thanks, Liz

  4. nsthking says:

    you might want to check out a tute on how to create a forum on your website.

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