WordPress Tutorial For Beginners Part 7 – Installing and Managing Plugins

Wordpress Tutorial For Beginners Part 7 - Installing and Managing Plugins

THE NEW SITE IS UP FOR ALL WORDPRESS BEGINNERS!!! www.wordpresstipstricksandtweaks.com | In this seventh WordPress tutorial for beginners, I show you how to install WordPress plugins, what to look for when picking out a plugin and how to decide of a WordPress plugin is good or bad. Make sure to view the rest of my “WordPress Tutorials for Beginners” video series on YouTube and subscribe to my channel. If you would like help in your business, contact me at http
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15 responses to “WordPress Tutorial For Beginners Part 7 – Installing and Managing Plugins”

  1. SunSourceSolar says:

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  3. MatthewKinmanMedia says:

    I always wondered what Press This does, thanks for the explanation and the reminder to backup my content. Thanks for sharing.

  4. faiyaz786khan says:

    Your tutorials are really simple, very easy to follow and really helpful for newbies. Thank you so much !

  5. KuriusOranj says:

    It appears that the author of that plugin had inserted some undesirable code, and that the plugin has been removed. I found a post on the WordPress forums about it.

  6. love2write58 says:

    I’m also having trouble finding the sexybookmark plugin. 🙁 Is there another one you might recommend?

  7. love2write58 says:

    I’m having a problem getting the “life” button onto my page. I installed the plugin and updated the option, but it still does not show up on my home page. (which is where I placed it) Is there a step somewhere I missed?

  8. angelalitterio says:

    Hi Robert, I’m not sure what happend to my ‘like button. I installed a plugin by AJBatac (it worked up until now). That has disappeared – not sure how. So I deactivated and uninstalled, then re installed. Nothing. So I activated the one you show in your video by Dean Peters. It still doesn’t show anywhere. (no response from my WP Weater II Pro forum yet..). Any thoughts as to what’s happening? Thank you!

  9. ayazhemi says:

    Thank you Robert for taking the time to make these videos they really help

  10. angelalitterio says:

    Thank you, Robert. Very informative on how many plugins to choose. Can’t wait to get started!

  11. nigelum says:

    If you are seeing it on my tutorial series, it’s because I had to do a search for the plugin and install it. Let me know if downloading it / installing it works for you.

  12. id0leyex says:

    ok i got my plugin opts… but now i cant c a WP super cache… i saw a W3 super cache but it was not installed already

  13. nigelum says:

    So,..to be clear, you do not see “Plugins” on the left of your admin page? If you don’t, then you need to contact your web hosting company and see if they can resolve it on their end. There is no option to show or hide the “Plugins” section.

  14. id0leyex says:

    i dont have a plugin option at all… how do i get it?

  15. nigelum says:

    You are so welcome. Glad they’ve helped.

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