Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Offset Path tool

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial - Offset Path tool

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Offset Path tool Learn the basics of the Offset Path tool in adobe illustrator. see more tutorials by visiting:
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7 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial – Offset Path tool”

  1. Omar herrera rojas says:


  2. Famonameio says:

    @2:03 — actually you can. You don’t even have to make outlines. In the appearance palette you can hit the add new fill button. You then have a fill and stroke layer for your text. Restack them with the stroke below. You can duplicate that stroke layer and change the color and size. It is the same result with one shape, and without having to screw around with the offset path dialogue box.

  3. Yamikaiba123 says:

    Crap. This was a long time ago- I don`t remember. ^.^

  4. jacobakins says:

    Did you figure this out? I’m having the same problem.

  5. ryovan says:

    can you emboss a dash line?? is it possible??

  6. sustajim says:

    thank you very much for this tutorial

  7. temetindustries says:

    Did you ungroup the letters after creating outlines?

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